Joomla! Version | 4.4.9 |
PHP Version | 8.1.31 |
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Response | 200 |
Template | jl_kidsacademy_pro |
Database |
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FROM pc0ww_eshop_products
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INNER JOIN pc0ww_eshop_productattributedetails AS pad ON ( = pad.productattribute_id)
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INNER JOIN pc0ww_eshop_manufacturerdetails AS md ON ( = md.manufacturer_id)
WHERE = 51 AND md.language = 'en-GB'
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INNER JOIN pc0ww_eshop_productdetails AS b ON ( = b.product_id)
INNER JOIN pc0ww_eshop_productcategories AS pc ON ( = pc.product_id)
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INNER JOIN pc0ww_eshop_productoptions AS po ON ( = po.option_id)
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219μs1.13KB/components/com_eshop/helpers/helper.php:1699CopySELECT, o.option_type, o.option_image, od.option_name, od.option_desc, po.required, AS product_option_id
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INNER JOIN pc0ww_eshop_optiondetails AS od ON ( = od.option_id)
INNER JOIN pc0ww_eshop_productoptions AS po ON ( = po.option_id)
WHERE po.product_id = 51 AND od.language = 'en-GB' AND o.published = 1
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173μs1.17KB/components/com_eshop/helpers/helper.php:1699CopySELECT price
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ORDER BY priority LIMIT 1
181μs840B/components/com_eshop/helpers/helper.php:2271CopySELECT a.*
FROM pc0ww_eshop_discounts AS a
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WHERE a.published = 1 AND b.element_type = "product" AND (b.element_id = 51 OR b.element_id = 0) AND ((a.discount_customergroups = "") OR (a.discount_customergroups IS NULL) OR (a.discount_customergroups = "1") OR (a.discount_customergroups LIKE "1,%") OR (a.discount_customergroups LIKE "%,1,%") OR (a.discount_customergroups LIKE "%,1")) AND (a.discount_start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.discount_start_date IS NULL OR a.discount_start_date <= '2025-01-06 22:44:53') AND (a.discount_end_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.discount_end_date IS NULL OR a.discount_end_date >= '2025-01-06 22:44:53')
240μs2.11KB/components/com_eshop/helpers/helper.php:2307CopySELECT a.*
FROM pc0ww_eshop_discounts AS a
INNER JOIN pc0ww_eshop_discountelements AS b ON ( = b.discount_id)
WHERE a.published = 1 AND ((b.element_type = "manufacturer" AND (b.element_id = (SELECT manufacturer_id FROM pc0ww_eshop_products WHERE id = 51) OR b.element_id = 0)) OR (b.element_type = "category" AND (b.element_id IN (SELECT category_id FROM pc0ww_eshop_productcategories WHERE product_id = 51) OR b.element_id = 0))) AND ((a.discount_customergroups = "") OR (a.discount_customergroups IS NULL) OR (a.discount_customergroups = "1") OR (a.discount_customergroups LIKE "1,%") OR (a.discount_customergroups LIKE "%,1,%") OR (a.discount_customergroups LIKE "%,1")) AND (a.discount_start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.discount_start_date IS NULL OR a.discount_start_date <= '2025-01-06 22:44:53') AND (a.discount_end_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.discount_end_date IS NULL OR a.discount_end_date >= '2025-01-06 22:44:53')
315μs2.11KB/components/com_eshop/helpers/helper.php:2333CopySELECT price
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ORDER BY priority
156μs840B/components/com_eshop/helpers/helper.php:2189CopySELECT tr.priority, t.*
FROM pc0ww_eshop_taxrules AS tr
INNER JOIN pc0ww_eshop_taxes AS t ON (tr.tax_id =
INNER JOIN pc0ww_eshop_taxclasses AS tc ON (tr.taxclass_id =
INNER JOIN pc0ww_eshop_taxcustomergroups AS tcg ON ( = tcg.tax_id)
INNER JOIN pc0ww_eshop_geozones AS gz ON (t.geozone_id =
INNER JOIN pc0ww_eshop_geozonezones AS gzz ON ( = gzz.geozone_id)
WHERE tc.published = 1 AND tr.taxclass_id = 2 AND gzz.country_id = 223 AND (gzz.zone_id = 3630 OR gzz.zone_id = 0) AND tcg.customergroup_id = 1 AND tr.based_on = 'shipping'
ORDER BY tr.priority
869μs2.11KB/components/com_eshop/helpers/tax.php:363CopySELECT tr.priority, t.*
FROM pc0ww_eshop_taxrules AS tr
INNER JOIN pc0ww_eshop_taxes AS t ON (tr.tax_id =
INNER JOIN pc0ww_eshop_taxclasses AS tc ON (tr.taxclass_id =
INNER JOIN pc0ww_eshop_taxcustomergroups AS tcg ON ( = tcg.tax_id)
INNER JOIN pc0ww_eshop_geozones AS gz ON (t.geozone_id =
INNER JOIN pc0ww_eshop_geozonezones AS gzz ON ( = gzz.geozone_id)
WHERE tc.published = 1 AND tr.taxclass_id = 2 AND gzz.country_id = 223 AND (gzz.zone_id = 3630 OR gzz.zone_id = 0) AND tcg.customergroup_id = 1 AND tr.based_on = 'store'
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413μs2.11KB/components/com_eshop/helpers/tax.php:363CopySELECT COUNT(*)
FROM pc0ww_eshop_categories AS a
INNER JOIN pc0ww_eshop_productcategories AS b ON ( = b.category_id)
WHERE b.product_id = 51 AND b.main_category = 1 AND ((a.category_cart_mode_customergroups = "") OR (a.category_cart_mode_customergroups IS NULL) OR (a.category_cart_mode_customergroups = "1") OR (a.category_cart_mode_customergroups LIKE "1,%") OR (a.category_cart_mode_customergroups LIKE "%,1,%") OR (a.category_cart_mode_customergroups LIKE "%,1"))
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WHERE a.product_id = 51 AND a.main_category = 1 AND b.published = 1
147μs856B/components/com_eshop/helpers/helper.php:8269CopySELECT COUNT(*)
FROM pc0ww_eshop_categories AS a
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WHERE b.product_id = 51 AND b.main_category = 1 AND ((a.category_cart_mode_customergroups = "") OR (a.category_cart_mode_customergroups IS NULL) OR (a.category_cart_mode_customergroups = "1") OR (a.category_cart_mode_customergroups LIKE "1,%") OR (a.category_cart_mode_customergroups LIKE "%,1,%") OR (a.category_cart_mode_customergroups LIKE "%,1"))
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(`m`.`publish_up` IS NULL OR `m`.`publish_up` <= :publishUp)) AND
(`m`.`publish_down` IS NULL OR `m`.`publish_down` >= :publishDown)) AND
(`mm`.`menuid` = :itemId OR `mm`.`menuid` <= 0)
ORDER BY `m`.`position`,`m`.`ordering`
1.15ms2.31KBParams/libraries/src/Cache/Controller/CallbackController.php:120CopySELECT `a`.`menutype`,`a`.`title`
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WHERE `a`.`client_id` = 0
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FROM `pc0ww_scheduler_tasks` AS `a`
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